Tomorrow I am headed off to the Oakland A's Stadium to be an extra in an upcoming movie called Moneyball, about Billy Bean, the general manager of the Oakland A's baseball team. Billy Bean is played none other than the one and only Brad Pitt and the movie also stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jonah Hill, and Robin Wright. Regardless of who I might see, I am just excited to get in on the action! I love the energy and everything that goes on on a movie set. I've been an extra in a couple movies before this and wasn't disappointed in either experience. The coolest thing is, Moneyball actually sounds like a sports movie that I'd want to watch, which doesn't frequently happen because I'm not exactly the huggest sports enthusiast. So for this post I thought I'd list my favorite baseball films and why they are extraordinary to me.
The Natural

Of course my number one is a Robert Redford movie, but I promise I am not completely biased. This film to me is so much more than a baseball movie. I love the story of an older guy joining a major league years after he lost his chance after being inexplicably shot by a younger woman. The movie holds so much intrigue and I love the time period and the love story. It's long, but it's definitely worth watching.
Fever Pitch

Another predictable choice for me. People might say this is nothing more than a romantic comedy disguised as a sports movie, but I think the combination of the two gives this movie the perfect balance. And also the perfect date movie, especially for those who are dating avid sports fans while not being the biggest fans themselves. This to me is one of Drew Barrymore's best performances.
Field of Dreams

Who can forget the now classic line, "If you build it, they will come"? This might be the baseball movie of all baseball movies. I hate to admit that I haven't seen it since late childhood, but the fact that I loved it then says a lot. I love that it mixes fantasy with baseball and that the storyline is so intriguing that even those who don't have the remotest interest or understanding of the game can still enjoy it...and want to see it again and again.
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