Okay, I know that once again it's been a while since I've been active on here and I plan on kicking things back into gear soon. My life has been pretty crazy lately but no more excuses. In the meantime I have some pretty exciting news to share. Wait for it...I wrote a guest post for The Good Woman Project! If you haven't seen this site already, you have to check it out pronto. I just love Lauren's idea behind it and what she is doing to change the way we look at the good woman. I've been noticing that even in the church it's becoming less and less "cool" to be the good woman that stands firm in her beliefs and values which is deeply concerning to me. Lauren's goal is to bring back what it means to be a good woman and redefine it whether you're married, single, or struggling with poor body image as is this month's topic. I was honored to guest post for her site and even more honored that she let me split it up into two parts so that I can share my full story. Read the first part today and come back tomorrow for part two!
Yey! SO happy about this!