Last Friday, my family received the devastating news that my grandmother, my mom's mom, passed away suddenly. The tragic event was very unexpected and shocking to the whole family. I am still suffering from shock, but as I look through photos and read some of the many messages, letters, cards, and notes she wrote me, it is all starting to sink in. My grandma was an incredible woman with the hugest heart. I don't think I've ever known anyone with as many causes as she had. Her death is a loss to so many people who were blessed to have her in their life. I am so glad I got to spend my graduation weekend with her and that she got to be a part of it. She was so happy to be there and was so proud of me. I'll carry that last memory I had with her forever. I will miss her so much, but I am comforted to know that she is spending eternity with the Lord she devoted her life to.
Dearest Addi,
ReplyDeleteWhat a loving tribute to such a beautiful Grandma from a beautiful granddaughter. Thank you for writing this and posting it - Mom was so full of gusto and loved her grandchildren so very much - they were the source of bountiful happiness to her! I am struggling with a tribute to her in the paper - and your words here will help. As her daughters - our bonds not ever be broken will always be there - We miss her dreadfully, and through memories thick and thin, all that is left is LOVE. Her last written words were: LUV. God is Love and she is in her Father's arms now. Rest in Peace beautiful Carole Anne.